Special Projects: Centrifuge Bottles

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We were approached about the possibility of replacing  plastic bottles used in centrifuge machines with a borosilicate glass equivalent. The client provided a sample plastic bottle for evaluation along with operational instructions, which noted the importance of examining the bottles prior to use to assure they were "balanced within the acceptable limit for the respective rotor being used". These machines produce forces all the way up to 1200G at 2000rpm, and we had concerns about the viability of substituting glass in this context.  

In addition, there was a timeline involved, with the need for hundreds of these bottles. We quickly prepared a couple of prototypes and sent them to the client for testing. The client engaged a centrifuge specialist who tested this glassware in context, and the results were great.

These borosilicate bottles will be used repeatedly every day, 5 days a week and will be subject to centrifuging at 200g as well as dry-heat depyrogenation at 250°C for 30 mins.

The client writes;
"I want to thank everyone, Moe, Stefka, and the individuals responsible for production and shipment of our custom made bottles. Your company has been very thorough and precise with the bottles provided to us.  We are truly impressed with the craftsmanship and will be in touch in the near future for our next order. It is also great to know about your company approach with glass replacing plastic, which would definitely reduce the plastic footprint."

Centrifuge Bottles

Centrifuge Bottles

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