Borosilicate Glass Reactors
We've been making glass reactors for a long time and are gratified that glass continues to be an important and viable material. We're located in the heart of the "Biotech Bay", and have very extensive experiences with all kinds of glassware relating to biotech, biopharmaceuticals, peptide synthesis, as well as fermentation and traditional wet chemistry.
Our customer base includes the worlds largest biotech firms and major research institutions, as well as small spin-off start-ups, breweries, independent researchers, and students. Currently, we are very busy with the burgeoning field of electromicrobiology with clients all over the world. We value this broad range of contact with glass users.
Take a look at the variety of reactors we've produced in the
Glass Reactors gallery.
The scope of our experience includes
- bioreaction vessels from tiny to 100L volumes, including cGMP glassware;
- small and large scale peptide synthesis glassware and solid phase synthesis glassware;
- standard and custom stirred glass bioreactors for fermentation and cell culture, with and without jackets;
- microbial fuel cell reactors and electrochemical cells;
- organ baths, chambers, and reactors for medicinal research;
- reaction vessels for materials research and combinatorial chemistry;
- OEM glass reactors and aftermarket replacements.
- Repairs of damaged reactors.