We make virtually everything to order, as experience has shown variations on a theme are typical. For this reason we do not stock much finished product, and do not indicate pricing on this site. Please contact us with information about your specific need, and we will provide a formal quotation. We are always happy to take orders for glassware in any way: telephone, email, mail, or personal visit. We do not, however, have online ordering.

Explore our extensive photo galleries. The many hundreds of images present solutions for specific requirements, and remains at the heart of our enterprise as scientific glassblowers. You can search the galleries, as well as the site generally, for what interests you. We've included a mark-up tool as a link on the individual images that can be useful as a starting place to discuss your project; mark-up, copy, and email it back to us.

These pages are meant as an aid to your understanding of our materials and methods. We have included links and information about borosilicate glass in general, tubing and flask sizes and tolerances, connections, stopcocks and valves, fritted glass filters, and considerations about designing glass apparatus. We certainly know more than is listed here; feel free to contact us with any questions.